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What causes the surface roughness during cnc machining of aluminum profiles?
2023-12-29 15:54:55

cnc Machining of aluminum profiles is a method that uses computer numerical control technology to process aluminum profiles. Through pre-programmed instructions, the processing equipment is processed according to the established path and speed, so as to achieve high-precision and high-efficiency production.


There are many reasons why the surface of aluminum profiles is rough when CNC machining, and the following are some common factors:


Raw material quality: If the surface of the aluminum material used has defects or impurities, it is difficult to ensure the smoothness of the surface during processing.


Tool selection: Choosing an inappropriate tool for machining may lead to rough surfaces. Different tool materials and geometric angles have different effects on surface roughness.


Cutting parameters: Improper selection of parameters such as cutting speed and feed rate may also lead to rough surface. Too high a cutting speed or too large a feed can lead to rough machined surfaces.


Machine tool accuracy: The accuracy and rigidity of the machine tool also have an impact on the roughness of the machined surface. If the accuracy of the machine tool is not high or the rigidity is insufficient, it is difficult to ensure the smoothness of the surface during the processing.




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